Monday, April 26, 2010

ESB@30: 30 Collectibles, day 5

For 79¢ each of the four glasses on the left were sold in Burger King restaurants filled with a cross-marketed medium Coca-Cola. My family usually preferred other brands of fast food, but we made special trips to Burger King for 4 weeks in the Summer of 1980. Burger King did similar promotions with four glasses each in 1977 and 1983.

Amazingly, the motif was revisited in 2004 and 2005, when Hasbro released several waves of "Collectible Figures and Cups" for $10-$12 per set. Three of these represented The Empire Strikes Back. The included figures were outdated designs such as the 1995 pilot Luke, but the cups emulate the original glasses with updated artwork. I've put paper in each cup so that the images can be seen clearly.

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