Thursday, July 29, 2010

Celebration V: SWGFA Booth #1520

The Alliance Council and Justin (whendroidsfly) are working on some pretty neat ideas for our booth which include some very nice flyers (to distribute), t-shirts (to wear, not to distribute), our banner, a slideshow of past activities, the AT-AT, and our Patch wedge.

However, we can always use more input. Do you have any ideas that you think might make this a particularly interesting booth? Can you think of a game or method of giving out our patches creatively? Got a large display or collectible you'd like to show off? Let us know! This is everyone's club. We'd love help volunteering, but even if you aren't able to do that, you can help with the creation of this booth. We've got only 13 more days till we set this thing up and it's getting pretty exciting!

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