Sunday, October 21, 2012

Happy Birthday, Carrie Fisher

The galaxy's favorite Princess, Carrie Fisher, was born this date in 1956.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Buck Rogers, Dwight Cloudclimber, and the Littlest Archaeologist

In the late 1970s Gary Coleman was riding a huge wave of fame while starring on the TV show Diff'rent Strokes. In addition to a memorable TV specials and movies he also did guest spots on other popular shows like Buck Rogers and, again with Erin Gray, Silver Spoons.

One TV movie toward the end of the Diff'rent Strokes run was The Fantastic World of D.C. Collins. This
Secret Life of Walter Mitty take-off would be largely forgotten but for two little spoofs of Star Wars and Indiana Jones.

Coleman's Indy lacks the charm of his Jedi Knight. He's got his Jedi Ready stance nailed.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Kenner Die-Cast

Received a lot of small items in the mail this week including a die-cast Y-Wing that Kenner released soon after the first Star Wars movie. I was lucky to have gotten it in such good condition and including the oft-lost red bomb.
The Y-Wing joins my Star Destroyer, Cloud Car, and Millenium Falcon, as well as a Landspeeder, not pictured.
That makes about half of the vehicles released in this early line. Die-cast ships would return in the mid-90s in what would become Hasbro's Titanium line and Rawcliffe pewter pieces. Overseas, in the mid-00s, DeAgostini also released a series of 80 very detailed die-cast vehicles.

Friday, October 12, 2012

End of 2012 SWGFA Social, November 3rd

We made it through most of another great year in Star Wars, everybody! Join us one last time at Acme Superstore in Longwood on Saturday, November 3rd, from 4-8pm. This time will be about having fun and getting together. Acme's extending us a 25% discount off ALL Star Wars items and we'll be featuring Lucasfilm artist Stephen Hayford. Join us!

Monday, October 08, 2012

Pinball Astromech / Artoo Angry Birds

Check out today's shirt of the day by Drew Wise. Imagine an R2-D2 pinball machine. With the recent announcement that Star Wars Angry Birds is forthcoming, this might not be far behind.

Logan and The Uncanny Fett Men

Entertainment Weekly’s Reunion issue, currently on newsstands, features an interview with Jeremy Bulloch, Daniel Logan, and Dickey Beer plus a great photo of them all together at Celebration VI. 

Logan was also mentioned in yesterday’s Orlando Sentinal announcing that he’s returning to Orlando this Saturday for the opening of “Where Science Meets Imagination” at the Orlando Science Center

This will be Daniel's fourth trip to Orlando this year following appearances at MegaCon, Disney's Star Wars Weekends, and CVI.